Friday, January 22, 2016

Is It Weird That I?...

So, today I am going to show you weird things that I do, and, hopefully, I am not the only one, so, comment below if you do any of these weird things, too.
Weird Thing #1: Is it weird that when I am all ready for bed, and I am about to get under my covers, and I look around my room and realize how dirty it is? I decide at that moment that I just must clean my room, so, that is exactly what I do.
Weird Thing #2: Is it weird that I hate largo or even medium sized spoons? The only spoons that I like to use are small spoons. 
Weird Thing #3: Is it weird that I have a habit of buying nice clothes and never end up using them because I don't want to get them dirty or messy? I try not to do this, but I just can't help it.
Weird Thing #4: Is it weird that I get really cautious when I wear new clothes because I don't want it to get dirty and/or ruined? I want all my new clothes to stay perfectly perfect, until I wear them enough and then I just don't care. 
Weird thing #5: Is it weird that I talk to my cats? I also hug and kiss on the head at least 5,000,000 times a day. 
That was all my crazy weird things that I do that make me, me! See you soon for something weird to happen ;-)!

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